LIFE LESSONS WITH EDMUND RICE - 2022-11-04 - Episode 1 - St Anselm's College, Wirral - Tom Jones and Anne Nichols

Radio Maria England - Ein Podcast von Radio Maria England

Life Lessons with Edmund Rice - Episode 1 - St Anselm’s College, Wirral About Edmund Rice Network of Schools: Blessed Edmund Rice, Founder of both the Christian Brothers and the Presentation Brothers, was born in Ireland in 1762 under the shadow of the penal laws. He was a man of deep faith who used his own personal wealth to found schools for the poor, marginalised Catholic boys in Ireland. The Christian Brothers went on to found 100s of schools across the globe. Today, Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders is an international network of Catholic schools educating young people from many different faiths and cultures. We are inspired by the teachings of Jesus, gospel values and the spirit of Edmund Rice. In over 25 countries, we endeavour to promote global solidarity and offer a transformational education for justice and liberation. In England we have 10 Edmund Rice schools, a mixture of both secondary and primary, mostly around the Northwest and Midlands but as far north as Sunderland and on the South coast in Plymouth. We work as a family of schools, sustained by the Charism of Edmund Rice who inspires us to have his courage and compassion, to see Christ present in those oppressed by poverty and injustice and to live lives of love and service.

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