Just Life - Miscariages - Ruth and Phelim Kennedy - 2021-12-21

Radio Maria England - Ein Podcast von Radio Maria England

Just Life - Misscariages - Ruth and Phelim Kennedy - 2021-12-21 From Lancaster, Ruth and Phelim have been married for almost 18 months. They got married shortly after the first lockdown ended, in August 2020. Because of the circumstances at the time, they had a very small wedding, just themselves, their priest, their witnesses and the registrars. Their friends and family watched online. It was an amazing and special day. They knew that we wanted to have a family as soon as God would bless us with one, and so they were open to that happening as soon as possible. Sadly, it didn’t happen in the way that they wanted it to, and in this episode fo Just Life, they share their experiences of baby loss in the form of miscarriage.

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