JUST LIFE - Dr Ben Outhwaite - Jews and Christians, from Conversion to the Crusades
Radio Maria England - Ein Podcast von Radio Maria England
Part 5 in our Genizah series. Jews and Christians, from Conversion to Crusades: discoveries in the medieval manuscripts of the Cairo Genizah’ How do we know that a symbolic slap was given to a Jewish elder at Easter in Toulouse Cathedral in the 10th century, that a Catholic monk, born Johannes in Oppido, Italy, became Obadiah the Proselyte in Egypt in the 12th, or that the knights of the First Crusade enriched themselves through the sale of Jewish books from Jerusalem? Because of manuscripts discovered in the Cairo Genizah! Dr Ben Outhwaite, from Cambridge University's Genizah Research Unit, explains the history behind the manuscripts which revealed these historical events. JUST LIFE is a human formation programme brought to you by Radio Maria, airing on weekdays at 10am and rebroadcast at 10pm. If you enjoyed this programme, please consider making a once off or monthly donation to Radio Maria England by visiting www.RadioMariaEngland.uk or calling 0300 302 1251 during office hours. It is only through the ongoing support of our listeners that we continue to be a Christian voice by your side.