CREDO Saints Zelie and Louis Martin - with Canon John Udris

Radio Maria England - Ein Podcast von Radio Maria England

Canon John Udris is internationally recognised expert on St Therese of Lisieux and has authored two books on her; Holy Daring: Fearless Trust of St Therese of Lisieux – exploring St Therese as a guide to praying as a disciple as Christ; and the The Gift of St Therese – exploring the joy and gratitude that overflowed her life and how we can live it too. Canon John is a priest of the Diocese of Northampton and is an experienced leader of retreats.  Saints Zelie and Louis Martin are the parents of St Therese of Lisieux and they are also the first married couple to be canonised together. Though their lives were not easy facing many tragedies including losing four children in infancy, they lived lives of great faith, a faith they passed on to the their five daughters. Their faith and personality most definitely helped shape the character of their daughter St Therese who through her writings has helped millions of people grow close to Christ in the little way of simple spirituality. Canon John Udris explores the lives of these saintly parents and what we can learn from them to help and encourage us as parents seeking to grow in faith and help our children grow too. ‍

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