A Simple but Genius Method for Segmenting with a Quiz Featuring Anna Parker-Naples

Grow - Ein Podcast von Interact Quiz Maker


Anna Parker-Naples is a best-selling author, award-winning voicover actress, and online guru who has an ingenious method for segmenting her potential customers using her quiz. Listen in as she shares her method with all of us.

Check out Anna's quiz at https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/

Episode Transcript

Josh Haynam: Hi, everyone. I am here with Anna Parker Naples. She's an entrepreneur and podcasting expert, like a real, real expert with just a ton of experience, and we'll get into that. Thanks for being here, Anna.

Anna Parker-Naples: Hey, nice to be here, Josh. I was delighted to be asked to come and talk about the quiz that I created.

Josh Haynam: Yeah, yeah. I think this is going to be a lot of fun. We chatted a little bit before we hit record, but tell everybody what your background is, where you come from, how you got to where you are now.

Anna Parker-Naples: Right now I help people, entrepreneurs and creatives, people with big missions and stories, that want to transform people's lives in some way, to get their message out there. Part of that is really to be seen, to be heard and to be remembered. That's kind of been a funny old journey to get where I am because most of that is now through the power of podcasting. I believe it is the fastest growing and most influential platform on the planet.

Anna Parker-Naples: Three years ago, I had a massive audio background, and I thought I was leaving all of that behind me to help other people realize how successful they could be. A lot of that is mindset based. So I thought three years ago, as I came into this online entrepreneurial space, that it was about the mindset piece. How could I teach people to be successful with how they think?

Anna Parker-Naples: What became obvious to me was that people were struggling to get their message out there. At the same time, this massive industry of podcasting is growing at a phenomenal rate, and I kept reading books about podcasting because if I'm passionate about something, I'll go all in. I'll go all in with the knowledge. I kept reading books that just felt like they were missing vital components of information that entrepreneurs needed. I only knew that because my background is as a multi award winning voice actor. I've won lots of awards in Hollywood for my work on audio books and radio dramas and all sorts of things.

Anna Parker-Naples: I'd never really intended to follow an audio path, all those years ago. It happened because I was told that I would potentially never walk again, 10 years ago. As Josh is looking at me now, he can see that I'm in a studio, a proper studio, at least that's how it looks. It actually was our airing cupboard, our laundry cupboard, and it was the only space in the house that my wheelchair used to fit. So audio and voice became this massive catalyst for me as an actor, as a mom who thought she was going to never walk again, to be able to have that sense that I could still be recognized in the world as a performer at this point and get my message out there and be seen on a world class level.

Anna Parker-Naples: It's interesting that I always framed my voice work, my voiceover work, in that way, not having a clue where that journey was going to take me, to Hollywood and then to massive stages, particularly in the UK, and that I've gone on to become a best-selling author about the journey from being no one, being a nobody, to visibility. My book is called Get Visible, and my podcast is Entrepreneurs Get Visible. I'm really passionate about helping people who feel like they have a message or feel like they have a mission in some way, to get that message out there. Podcasting is absolutely crucial to that.

Josh Haynam: That's incredible.

Anna Parker-Naples: Quite a story.

Josh Haynam: Yeah, quite a story. Wh...

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