299 – Final Thoughts from the Legends: Juniors, New Judges | Pure Dog Talk

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Final Thoughts from the Legends: Juniors, New Judges
The final installation from the Pure Dog Talk Friday Night Forum at Del Monte Kennel Club in 2017 with Pat Trotter, Dorothy Macdonald and Kim Meredith.
Judge following and “fly-ins”
Dorothy – won’t put dog down if they followed. If I liked him best, will go up every time. Don’t put up just because he’s there. Don’t keep track of it. Dog didn’t write the ticket.
Kim – if an exhibitor brings consistently the best dog, will put up.
Pat — Judge on the day. Only thing you’re thinking about. Who remembers where you were last week.
Juniors judging
Kim – very favorite thing to judge. Look for juniors to be like what I see in the ring. Not a lot of grandstanding. Smooth, confident. Don’t like it when they fake smile at me. Hands of gold.
Dorothy – I’m here for dogs. Decided not to judge them. I want the dogs. It’s the only thing I’m there for.
Pat –  What I look for. Young person with a dance partner, in sync with each other. Right athletic ability for dog they’re showing. Judge on how they move a dog. If the breed calls for a loose lead, I want it to be shown appropriately for the breed. Want the child to be tuned in to dog. Move front from elbow, hind quarters from hock. Want in condition. No Dandruff, dirty teeth, ungroomed, fat. Show your dog, only look at judge enough to know what’s going on. Look at your dog. Dress appropriately. Age appropriate. Want to improve handling – go watch juniors.
Talking to dogs in the ring
Kim — Whatever it takes your dog to do its best
Dorothy – so long as it doesn’t disturb the other dog
Pat – like to see people talk to their dogs. Dogs hear well. Don’t have to talk loud. Believe in communicating with dogs. It’s a relationship.
Provisional judging & soliciting assignments
Kim – old school. Never solicit. For our cluster, I rarely get solicitation. Depends on how you approach. Face to face makes a difference. In this day and age, judges need permit assignments. If judges are willing to fly in and judge for 3-4 $/dog. What’s your reputation? Are you respected in your breed? Can you run on time?
Dorothy – in talking to other judges, never asked anyone myself, others asked for me. Help each other.
Pat – Bottom line, it’s not just what you do after you get the badge, what you did before that. There are people promoting themselves to do judging far beyond their experience. Entitled to use acquaintances and friends. Need to get past fear of rejection. People who aren’t prepared to judge breeds they’re judging are also allowed to solicit. Sad state for the sport.
Listen to parts 1 and 2 of this fabulous series here: 296 – Pat Trotter, Dorothy Macdonald and Kim Meredith Speak at Forum | Pure Dog Talk and here: 298 – Legends part 2: What NOT to do, Too Many Dog Shows  | Pure Dog Talk … Listen to Pat Trotter on Norwegian Elkhounds and Breeding here: 25 – Pat Trotter: Vin-Melca Norwegian Elkhounds and Master Breeder … Listen to Kim Meredith on the development of Woofstock here: 47 – Yellow Submarine, Rock and Roll, Peace Out and Woofstock: Kim Meredith

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