275 | How to Improve Your Customer Journey with Jordan Kentris, A Good Day

Proof to Product - Ein Podcast von Katie Hunt


Are your marketing & sales efforts focused on customer acquisition or customer retention? This quarter inside of Proof to Product LABS, we’ve been focused on sales strategies with an eye towards customer retention.  Meaning, how do we get our existing customers to buy more frequently and in higher volume; and how do we get them to refer their friends? In October, I led a training on customer retention that included some eye opening statistics about why it is so incredibly important to focus on keeping our existing customers happy and I shared specific strategies for how to nurture those relationships. Today’s podcast episode folds nicely into this discussion topic—we pulled an excerpt from a past coffee chat inside of LABS with Jordan Kentris of A Good Day where we talked about enhancing our online customer experience and the steps a customer takes as they interact with us online. Today’s episode is brought to you by our Proof to Product LABS program. We hope you enjoyed this peek into one of our most popular Coffee Chats inside of Proof to Product LABS. Coffee chats in general are some of our best attended events because members get to share their knowledge, experiences and expertise with each other. Plus, we leave time for live Q&A, connection and collaboration. At Proof to Product, we truly believe that the more we share with one another the faster our individual businesses will grow—and these events are a piece of that. If you want to learn more about Proof to Product LABS, check out the full coffee chat with Jordan, or watch the trainings we mentioned by Myrna and Jessica head to prooftoproduct.com/labs. JOIN THE WAITLIST   You can view full show notes and more at prooftoproduct.com/275

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