Episode 103: Marguerite Burns and Laura Dague on Medicaid access and recidivism

Probable Causation - Ein Podcast von Jennifer Doleac

Episode 103: Marguerite Burns and Laura Dague on Medicaid Access and Recidivism In this insightful episode, Marguerite Burns and Laura Dague delve into the critical role Medicaid access plays in affecting recidivism rates, drawing on their comprehensive research. Through a discussion that spans health policy, economics, and the intricacies of Medicaid's impact on individuals reentering society post-incarceration, the episode sheds light on the tangible benefits of accessible healthcare services. Key Research Discussed: Main Study: "In-Kind Welfare Benefits and Reincarceration Risk: Evidence from Medicaid" by Marguerite Burns and Laura Dague. This pivotal study forms the episode's backbone, illustrating how Medicaid access can significantly reduce recidivism rates among formerly incarcerated individuals. Read the study. Additional Research Covered: The episode also touches on other influential works that explore the intersection of Medicaid eligibility, mental health, and criminal involvement, including studies by Elisa Jacome, Jessica T. Simes, Jaquelyn L. Jahn, Kathryn L. Wagner, Jacob Vogler, Qiwei He, Scott Bardowski, Hefei Wen, Jason M. Hockenberry, Janet R. Cummings, Crystal S. Yang, Jillian B. Carr, Analisa Packham, Caroline Palmer, David C. Phillips, James X. Sullivan, Manasi Deshpande, Michael Mueller-Smith, and Cody Tuttle. These works collectively underscore the complex relationship between public health insurance, criminal behavior, and social welfare programs. Episode Highlights: Marguerite Burns' Journey: Starting from her experiences as a community health center administrator, Burns shares her transition into a health services researcher focusing on Medicaid's impact on adults with substance use and mental health disorders. Laura Dague's Path: Dague recounts her evolution from a rural Kansas native with a burgeoning interest in public policy to an expert in health economics, emphasizing Medicaid's role as a critical safety net. Policy Changes in Wisconsin: The episode delves into Wisconsin's Medicaid policy alterations, including eligibility expansion and pre-release enrollment assistance programs, and their profound impact on Medicaid enrollment among the formerly incarcerated. Data and Methodology: Burns and Dague discuss the unique dataset they constructed, combining Department of Corrections and Medicaid data to analyze the effects of Medicaid access on recidivism and employment. Findings and Implications: The significant reduction in reincarceration rates and improvement in employment among those with Medicaid coverage post-release are highlighted. The conversation also explores potential mechanisms behind these effects, underscoring the importance of considering Medicaid access in policy formulations aimed at supporting reentry. For Further Exploration: Mental Health and Criminal Involvement: Evidence from Losing Medicaid Eligibility by Elisa Jacome Probable Causation Episode 60 featuring Elisa Jacome Additional readings and resources related to Medicaid's consequences on public health, crime reduction, and welfare benefits are provided, offering listeners a comprehensive understanding of the topic. “The consequences of Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act for police arrests” by Jessica T. Simes and Jaquelyn L. Jahn. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0261512   “Public health insurance and impacts on crime incidences and mental health" by Kathryn L. Wagner. https://doi.org/10.1515/bejeap-2020-0190   "Access to health Care and Criminal Behavior: Evidence form the ACA Medicaid Expansions" by Jacob Vogler. https://doi.org/10.1002/pam.22239   "The Effect of Health Insurance on Crime: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion" by Qiwei He and Scott Bardowski. https://doi.org/10.1002/hec.3977   "The Effect of Medicaid Expansion on Crime Reduction: Evidence from HIFA-Waiver Expansions" by Hefei Wen, Jason M. Hockenberry, and Janet R. Cummings. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpu

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