Podcastul lui Damian Draghici 🎙️Mantak Chia

Podcastul lui Damian Draghici - Ein Podcast von Damian Draghici - Donnerstags

00:00 | Teaser 06:34 | Sun-Moon-Star / Soare-Luna-Steaua 11:52 | Draw the energy backwards / Atrage energia inapoi 16:05 | Holistic health /Sanatate holistica 21:24 | We are not saving all the people / Nu putem salva toti oamenii 30:16 | The whole theory on TAO is yin-yang / Intreaga teorie TAO este yin-yang 34:26 | 5 colours diet / Dieta celor 5 culori 42:41 | Our organs are connected with nature / Organele noastre sunt conectate cu natura 48:14 | A little goodness every day / Putina bunatate in fiecare zi 54:48 | 100-year lifespan, easily / 100 de ani durata de viata cu usurinta 01:00:54 | Help one person at a time / Ajuta cate o persoana pe rand