10. People Doing The Work (1): He Is Confusing Ziya

In this episode we get started on the "People Doing The Work"-series, where you get a chance to listen in as others go through the process. Since this may be the first time your hear anyone actually doing The Work - or the first time your hear anyone other than Byron Katie do it - we will start out with a straight-forward recording of a single one-liner being worked as part of the process of going through a “Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet”. And what I will invite you to notice, is the meditative quality of the client's work - how she is sinking into the questions and allowing the answers to arise by themselves.

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Self Inquiry is the amazing process of introspection that will change your life. In these series, we focus on The Work of Byron Katie, which is one of the best tools out there for investigating your inner processes. Learn how to do The Work on your own and undo all your stressful and negative beliefs.