Time Management Tips in 20: Setting Year-End Priorities

Deborah Corn and Productivity Coach Sarah Ohanesian discuss practical time management and productivity strategies to help professionals in the print and marketing industry prepare for the upcoming busy season and set priorities for the end of the year and beyond! Mentioned in This Episode: Sarah Ohanesian on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahohanesian/ SO Productive: https://www.so-productive.com/ Todoist: https://todoist.com/ Asana: https://asana.grsm.io/sarahohanesian308 Command the Chaos Course: https://www.so-productive.com/productivity-course/  Deborah Corn on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborahcorn/ Print Media Centr: https://printmediacentr.com Project Peacock: https://ProjectPeacock.TV  Print Across America: https://printacrossamerica.com Girls Who Print: https://girlswhoprint.net

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It takes the right skills and the right innovation to design and manage meaningful print-marketing solutions. Welcome to Podcasts from the Printerverse... Where we explore all facets of print and marketing that create stellar communications and sales opportunities for business success. Hosted by Deborah Corn, The Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse at Print Media Centr. Listen Long and Prosper! #PMCpodcasts