David Hurn - Documentary photographer and member of Magnum Photos

In this first English episode of our PicDrop Podcast Andreas met none other than the famous documentary photographer and member of Magnum Photos David Hurn. They talked about David's understanding of photography, what makes Magnum special to him, how the situation of a “man buying his wife a hat” influenced his enormous photographic career and how he likes to surround himself with “do-ers” rather than “talkers”.

Om Podcasten

Ein Podcast, zwei Formate für echte ProfifotografInnen! 1. Im Interview-Format unterhält sich picdrop-Gründer und Fotograf Andreas Chudowski mit KollegInnen, BildbearbeiterInnen, Art BuyerInnen, BildredakteurInnen und anderen Profis. 2. Im "picdrop at work"-Format unterhalten sich Nils Hendrik Mueller und Viviane Wild über alle nicht-kreativen Teile der Profifotografie und geben wertvolle Tipps für echte Profis.