Part 22 - Marty Kendall on Nutrient Density, Satiety, and Rethinking Diabesity

Peak Human - Unbiased Nutrition Info for Optimum Health, Fitness & Living - Ein Podcast von Brian Sanders - Filmmaker of Food Lies & Health Coach

Marty Kendall is an engineer, a speaker, and a writer. He’s analyzed a bunch of data and built some cool, free technology. He’s also brought a lot of people together who are working on cutting edge, practical information. He runs a group where some of the smartest people in nutrition are interacting daily, sharing information and studies and clinical experience. This includes Dr. Ted Naiman who was my first guest and who we bring up a few times in this episode. These are not anti-carb people, they aren’t dogmatic, they don’t let other interests or beliefs enter the picture. They're after information and truth and are working towards healing people and changing lives. They’re coming at this from all sides and from all over the world. Some are doing the research, some are just interpreting it and thinking about it from new angles. Ted is in the clinic daily, putting it into practice and reversing diabetes. Marty is building tools and thinking about it from his engineering perspective. I love people who think about it this way - I’m like a broken record, because I’m an engineer too. We need to stop thinking that only a doctor can be an expert on nutrition. Why would they be? They have extremely little or no nutrition specific training. They are brilliant when it comes to a million other things, but they aren't the end-all be-all of nutrition They can be though. But so can an engineer who dedicates years of their life to researching a topic. Not everyone who does this will be smart or correct, but some are. These are the people I get on the podcast. Ivor Cummins, Tucker Goodrich, Gabor Erdosi, Dave Feldman soon, and now Marty Kendall. There’s many more as well, and I’ll continue to find them. Enough of my ranting - just a quick word on the Food Lies documentary. It’s going really well and being pushed forward daily. I just booked our trip to Maryland to film with Dr. Bill Schindler. Go back to listen to that episode if you missed it. There’s only about 11 days left on the crowdfunding page. Please go there to preorder the film. There’s a link in the show notes in your podcast app and on You also can search for Food Lies on Indiegogo or go to to learn more. Now please take a listen to Marty and I talk about my favorite topic - nutrient density.   Show Notes Marty Kendall runs the great site and the facebook group Ted Naiman, Robb Wolf, Luis Villasenor, and Tyler Cartwright (ketogains) all collaborate with him to figure this nutrition stuff out What is nutrient density? Matt Lalonde’s presentation at AHS 2012 Cronometer is a great app to track food and nutrients Nutrient dense foods are less insulinogenic, more satiating, and less energy dense Try to quantify things because nutrition is confusing enough I disagree with Joel Fuhrman’s nutrient density scoring system His version of nutrient density is variable and is based on what you personally aren’t getting enough of If you’re getting enough micronutrients, you’re very likely to be getting all the protein you need Can’t make a perfect diet because too many factors - season, cost, preference, etc. Some of the most nutrient dense and satiating foods are leafy greens, fish eggs, seafood, liver We’ve always sought after nutritious foods throughout history, with or without knowing it He mentions my recent episode with Tucker Goodrich on seed oils and how unnatural and energy dense they are Modern foods are engineered to trick us - they tastes delicious, but have no nutrition The book The Dorito Effect chronicles this It’s a cliche for a reason - eat real foods Trying to formulate a low insulin diet for his wife with type 1 diabetes that is also nutrient dense What are the most nutrient dense foods? Amazing benefits of seafood Modern food is dog food - stuffed with cheap grains and vegetable oils with huge profit margins for big food manufacturers at the expense of the consumer’s health Satiety Used 587,000 day worth of publicly available food data from MyFitnessPal to do some data crunching Fed state, glucagon, and type 1 diabetes closed system insulin pump How to eat less and manage hunger? Holt satiety study in 1995 Carbs and fat together gives you the highest calorie intake HIs in-depth article on satiety They have an app that helps you only by satiating foods in the grocery store Cian Foley has a book called Don’t Eat for Winter Protein leverage hypothesis Nutrient leverage hypothesis Crops losing nutrition - USDA data shows nutrients going down as obesity goes up right at the point where Big Agriculture begins Vitamin A, B12, and protein levels dropped as we avoided animal foods We need mixed farming methods that include ruminants that put nutrients back in the soil Graph of highest and lowest intakes of food and macro ratios Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) Unifying Theory of Nutrition Potato hack diet Holt study from 1995 plain baked potato had the most perceived satiety The potato hack and a juice fast may work temporarily but they are ill-advised Best thing to do is eat a nutrient dense diet - my view is that if you can gradually adjust your lifestyle and preferences towards this you never worry about counting calories or being hungry Marty notes the advantages of tracking and being mindful for many people Building positive habits around healthy choices when shopping or eating Watercress is at the top of his satiety and nutrient density data I’m developing a practical version of nutrient density and satiety focused foods that people can look at and make meal choices from it If we want to eat like (some) our ancestors (for some periods of history) and eat a carnivore diet, you need to actually eat like them by eating nose to tail Ideas on how our ancestors eating whole foods diets had well-formed jaws, wide dental arches, and great dental health (along with amazing health in general) His trip to Vanuatu and their amazing tasting, fresh food that they can’t really afford (or maybe prefer) so they sell it and then buy oreos and vegetable oil Dr. Gary Fettke has to go over there and amputate limbs due to the new epidemic of diabetes from these western foods He personally witnessed the striking difference between the people eating the modern foods and the isolated people eating the native whole foods - the isolated people had amazing teeth, well-formed jaws, and perfect health, while the ones in the main city were having a ton of problems Carbohydrate-insulin model of diabesity and the adipose centric model - see the graphic and the full article here Don’t overeat energy Can do ok on a bivalve plant based diet - still getting nutrient dense animal foods Personal fat threshold We can store a limited amount of protein and carbohydrate, but almost unlimited fat Professor Roy Taylor study - normal weight individuals with type 2 diabetes Thin on the Outside, Fat on the Inside (TOFI) - how do they get like this? One more description of the dam analogy (everyone should check out the full article linked above) Bolus vs. basal insulin in type 1 diabetics - why a low carb diet is good How to keep insulin in check in general - strength training, some HIIT His Nutrient Optimizer app and Never Hungry Diet app - free tools to help you eat more nutrient dense foods, fill in gaps in micronutrients you are lacking, and shop for more satiating foods while in the store All of diet is so context specific, you can’t recommend just one way of eating He’s off to Low Carb Down Under to do a presentation on Satiety     Preorder the film here:     Film site:   YouTube:   Sapien Movement:     Follow along:     Theme music by

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