Episode 15 - Soul Conversation with Brianna Brown, mama of 3 boys & missionary in Taiwan
Pasture Experience Podcast - Ein Podcast von Bekah Pogue

Enjoy this 26-minute soul conversation with my sweet friend, Brianna Brown, as she shares her real time vulnerability about being a mama of 3 young boys and heading to Taiwan as a missionary family.
We laugh about how we met over Instagram and ended up living in the same town. Presently, Brianna finds herself in the "valley of the shadow of death," specifically when it comes to navigating her oldest, adopted son's special needs. We discuss how she is experiencing peace and comfort, how God is cupping her face, and where she is noticing tiny pockets of grace and love in the present.
Brianna ends our time by reading a poem she wrote about her current pasture season. *cue tears*
Show Notes
Follow/ Support The Brown Family's Taiwan Story via IG: mrsbribrown
Brianna's reading recs:
Here Now by Kate Merrick
The Listening Life by Adam S. McHugh
Bekah's reading rec:
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
You hem me in, behind and before,
and lay your hand upon me.
- Psalm 139:5