Our Marriage Secrets & Rachel Hollis Divorce Part 2! Ep. 25

Parenting With The Zudes! (MyBabyCanSleep) - Ein Podcast von Brad & Greta Zude, #1 Best Selling Parenting Authors


Watch This On Youtube!  Listen as we talk marriage secrets, what we get each other for birthdays, and our reaction to the Rachel Hollis Divorce video getting over 14,000 views on Youtube! #1 Best Selling Parenting authors Brad Zude & Greta Zude have 8 children of their own and help families all over the world with baby sleep, toddler behavior, teens & tweens, and more!  Baby Sleep  www.MyBabyCanSleep.com Toddler Behavior  www.InfluencerParenting.com Subscribe on Youtube! www.Youtube.com/TheZudes 

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