How Play Will Help Your Anxious Child

Discover why play is more effective than talking & reassurance when your child is anxious. You can play games in a therapeutic way that will help your anxious child become much more confident and able to cope with difficult situations. Find out more ways play can help & more games inside my FREE online Playful Discipline Workshop. Click here to join today! And if you're wanting to take your parenting to the next level so you can feel more confident knowing you're helping your baby or child in a deeper way, you can: •book in a 1:1 session •join Annoying to AMAZING! - my online program if you have children aged 1 - 8 years old •join Aware Parenting Babies if you have a baby under 1

Om Podcasten

Fall back in love with parenting (and your child) again. Join Helena Mooney and guests to find out how to help your child thrive while transforming challenging behaviour such as aggression, anxiety, bedtimes, tantrums, sibling rivalry, and so much more.