Mentoring the Next-Gen – Why and How?

Just as it takes a village to raise a child, the community plays a crucial role in nurturing our youths. What does it take to sow into the next generation? How can parents cross the generation gap to reach the heart of their teens? Join our host, Alicia Boo, as she speaks with a youth worker and FamChamps mentor, Wei Ern, who speaks about what it’s like to journey with youths and how to do so effectively in this impressionable juncture of their lives. He debunks myths of mentoring youths, shares about the joys & challenges, and talks about how parents and adults can connect and cultivate good in the lives of our teens. --Interested in finding out more about how you can play a part in raising the next generation of Family Champions? Find out more about how you can sow into the work of FamChamps at our upcoming info session! Date: 21 Mar 2024 (Thu) Time: 7.00pm to 8.30pm Register for the info session at  --If you have enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcast or Podchaser. It'll be very helpful for others to find our podcast. You can also help us by copying this link to share with your friends.You can also support us by giving monthly. We appreciate your generous giving as every dollar helps to sustain our efforts in strengthening families. Do note that if you are based in Singapore, one-time gifts above SGD$50 or monthly donations above SGD$10 are eligible for 250% tax-deductible benefits.

Om Podcasten

Family life can be unpredictable and chaotic. Amidst work pressures, day-to-day stresses and digital distractions, how can we nurture greater intimacy with our spouse and deepen our parent-child connections? Join us in our honest conversations about marriage, parenting and work life as we chat with everyday people and experts about the struggles, joys and small victories that we share. There is no perfect family. As we share stories, offer practical insights and answer your questions, we hope that these episodes will provide hope and encouragement in your journey of becoming a better spouse and a more intentional parent. --- Finalist for "Best Arts, Society and Culture Podcast" at the Asia Podcast Festival Awards 2022