Ya Lose Some, Ya Win Some

This week on Overtime, Meg investigates Clubhouse and the latest cake videos all over the internet. Plus, learn what Harvard design grad students are doing to fight for racial justice. Then... has this year been a total waste? Are you 100% failing at life along with the rest of the world? Meg shares her tried-and-true technique for turning canceled or postponed opportunities into new and better ones.

Om Podcasten

Overtime, Dribbble's weekly podcast, explores the most interesting design news and gives you the tips you need to create your best work. No need to scroll copious news sites and design Twitter—host Meg Lewis and friends are primed to inform, entertain, and inspire you each week. Consider Overtime your audio lifeline to the design community, packaged in a perfectly punchy Shot. Subscribe and listen every Wednesday to stay ahead of the game.