133 | International Teaching Lifestyle Decisions with Kids (Christine & David)

Our guests today are parents we met at a playground in Alaska.  Our lives intersect through many similar interests and after a 2+ hour parking lot conversation, some time together geocaching, a beach day with swimmers itch and swapping favorite RV stories I decided it would be great to continue the conversation on the podcast. Christine and David  vistit their Alaska roots each summer but align with International Teaching community.  With previous placements in Jamaica, China and Guatemala and the unique decisions and lessons that accompanied each stage.   Join us as we talk through how they navigate us through their adventurous lifestyle at various stages of life with kids.   Show Notes for this episode: https://ordinarysherpa.com/133 Downloadable Joy Audit: https://ordinarysherpa.podia.com/joy-audit-tracking-form Subscribe to the email List:  https://ordinarysherpa.com/subscribe/

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After exploring the world and embracing adventure often in my teens and twenties, I realized the shift to motherhood and a professional career was threatening the amount of adventure that showed up in my life. I responded by reframing the destination to a journey. In designing a life of adventure we nurtured the creation of new experiences, challenged the status quo, and tested our risk tolerance. 10 years and 3 children later, these intentional family adventures were far greater than any destination. These simple and authentic adventure experiences had a noticeable impact on every member in the family. Adventure is an ingredient in our lives that allows everyone to connect deeper and show up as their authentic selves. The quest for the summit requires support from a tribe of helpers, a noble force of goodness and strength known as Sherpas. They push each person toward their summit and celebrate peaks and pits together. This mighty crew of listeners and the community we are forming online are the ordinary everyday people who support families connecting and experiencing authentic adventures together. We are Ordinary Sherpa, a podcast designed to share learning and create community to inspire families to experience joy and connection together through adventure.