129 | 10 Simple Ways to Infuse Adventure into your Life

The basis of our gap year is the foundation of simple and inexpensive adventures we do as a family. Within this episode, you'll discover 10 curated simple adventures that can be embarked upon with ease. From hidden trails to local landmarks, from unique flavors to thrilling challenges, each adventure is designed to ignite your family's imagination and create lasting memories. I know this because over the past 10 months (and quite honestly past 5 years) our bustling family of five has tested these simple adventures. Why simple adventures, you may wonder? Well, they are the perfect remedy for our busy modern lives. These bite-sized escapades offer a wonderful opportunity to escape the ordinary, to bond as a family, and to uncover the magic that lies within the seemingly mundane. They allow us to see the world through fresh eyes, appreciating the beauty in every detail and cherishing the moments shared with loved ones. Simple Adventures, I’ve learned, are the key to unlocking the magic of everyday life.  Simple Adventure brainstorming led to joy audits, which eventually led to a career break and family gap year traveling North America in an RV.  From exploring nearby trails to visiting local museums, trying new activities and uncovering hidden gems in our own region. Simple Adventures infuse joy and wonder in our everyday lives.   Call To Action: Simple Adventure Subscription If this episode is helping you think differently or infuse a simple adventure into your lifestyle you might enjoy the Simple Adventure Subscription. You can register at any time using the link: https://ordinarysherpa.com/simpleadv The first 25 can use the code YES to get $2 off per month.   Each week you will receive adventure tips, ideas, or support via email to help your family take small steps toward big memories. Show Notes: Ordinarysherpa.com/129 Subscribe to the Simple Adventure Subscription: https://ordinarysherpa.com/simpleadv The first 25 subscribers get 1 month free with code: YES Read my Book: https://ordinarysherpa.com/book/  Follow us on Instagram: @ordinarysherpa

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After exploring the world and embracing adventure often in my teens and twenties, I realized the shift to motherhood and a professional career was threatening the amount of adventure that showed up in my life. I responded by reframing the destination to a journey. In designing a life of adventure we nurtured the creation of new experiences, challenged the status quo, and tested our risk tolerance. 10 years and 3 children later, these intentional family adventures were far greater than any destination. These simple and authentic adventure experiences had a noticeable impact on every member in the family. Adventure is an ingredient in our lives that allows everyone to connect deeper and show up as their authentic selves. The quest for the summit requires support from a tribe of helpers, a noble force of goodness and strength known as Sherpas. They push each person toward their summit and celebrate peaks and pits together. This mighty crew of listeners and the community we are forming online are the ordinary everyday people who support families connecting and experiencing authentic adventures together. We are Ordinary Sherpa, a podcast designed to share learning and create community to inspire families to experience joy and connection together through adventure.