OS 80: Bread for the Journey, pt 2 - Spiritual

Orchestrating Success - Ein Podcast von Hugh Ballou


The Leader's Journey is a Spiritual Journey Philippians 4:8  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Henri Nouwen has influenced my thinking.   Transformational Leadership is about self transformation as well as self development.   What you put in your mind... What feeds your thoughts... What music (etc.) you listen to... Forms who you are. We eat daily to sustain our bodies... What other daily routines are important?   I trained for a half-marathon. I needed a daily routine. It was important to train my body every day. I committed to a minimum daily requirement so I could meet my goals. If I didn't feel like it, I did it anyway. The discipline of the daily routine is essential to success. There is value in a daily spiritual discipline, as well. Transformational Leadership begins with self transformation. I read short articles, chapters, blog posts, and email messages from thought leaders whom I respect. It helps me stay focused on my personal discipline and personal growth. Here are some of my daily readings: * Richard Rohr: https://cac.org (https://cac.org) * Seth Godin: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/ * Henri Nouwen: Bread for the Journey * John Heider: The Tao of Leadership * Roberta Gilbert: Extraordinary Relationships (and several others) * The Daily Lectionary (different from the Common Lectionary for Sundays and Holy days) * Random selection from my other resource list This seems like I'm spending a lot of time on unproductive activity every day, however, I find the time spent provides me with focus and inspiration for my day. The result is that I am much more productive. I still run weekly and spend time reading and writing. Writing this blog and making it in a podcast helps me clarify my thoughts and develop new programs. This week's blog series is called Bread for the Journey, inspired by Henri Nouwen's book by the same name. This book, one of many he wrote, is short articles for each day in the calendar year. I partner the reading with The Tao of Leadership, by John Heider. Both journals are a spiritual journey from a Christian perspective. As the Philippians selection tells us, we must feed our spiritual selves with spiritual thoughts. What we think - we are. This blog series includes the following posts on Bread for the Journey: * Spiritual * Nutritional * Physical * Relational * Wholeness What is your spiritual journey? Enjoy!

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