Mestizo Sounds Present les Mamarraches

Mestizo Sounds presenta el libro Les Mamarraches. Entrevistamos a su autora, Amaia Santana. El libro que recoge el relevo de La conjura de los Necios de John Kennedy Toole para entrar en el nuevo milenio. Cuando las personas explotadas laboralmente y Pobres Diablos de este mundo se rebelan contra las mamarrachadas de sus jefes, influencers y déspotas de poca monta. Mestizo Sounds presents the book Les Mamarraches. We interviewed its author, Amaia Santana. The book that takes up the baton of John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces to enter the new millennium. When the exploited people and Poor Devils of this world rebel against the nonsense of their bosses, influencers and small-time despots. Website – Linkhub – Music Player - Playlist 1- Sunny Afternoon – THE KINKS 2- Mathilda – SCOTT WALKER 3- I Ain’t Miracle Worker – THE BROGUES 4- Underdog – SLY AND THE FAMILY STONE 5- Molino al Viento – LOS MUSTANG 6- Something Inside Me – FLEETWOOD MAC 7- Gloria: In Excelsis Deo – PATTI SMITH

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