#28 Clean Tech Impact Investing - How venture capital can accelerate the energy transition (with Puck Hegeman, Wire Private Markets Fund)

Traditionally, business school teaches us to maximize profits. Is this really what the world needs right now? In this week's episode, we talk to Puck Hegeman about the practice and importance of financing startup companies and small businesses, and give advice to conscious startups that look beyond just making money. Hegeman is a private equity impact investor at Wire Private Markets Fund (WPMF) - a provider of solutions for private investors and foundations to invest their wealth consciously. Puck is an experienced impact investor who previously worked for the Dutch Development Bank (FMO), and wrote her PhD thesis on the effects of the green transition at NTNU in Trondheim. Impact Institute Why do they do it? Corporate venture capital investments in cleantech startups LinkedIn / [email protected] — The NTNU Energy Transition Podcast aims to function as a knowledge hub that empowers individuals and organizations in Europe and beyond to accelerate the energy transition move our global society toward carbon neutrality. New episodes every other Thursday. The NTNU Energy Transition Initiative was established to deliver world-leading research on energy transition strategies, to achieve the Paris ambitions in an efficient and realistic way. Every spring we organize the NTNU Energy Conference in Trondheim, Norway. You can find us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and on our webpage. Please reach out by mail to [email protected].

Om Podcasten

The NTNU Energy Transition Podcast aims to function as a knowledge hub that empowers individuals and organizations in Europe and beyond to tackle climate change and move our global society towards carbon neutrality. New episodes every second Thursday. The podcast is hosted by the NTNU Energy Transition Initiative which was established to deliver world-leading research on energy transition strategies to achieve the Paris ambitions. You can find us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and on our webpage. Please reach out by mail to "[email protected]". Webpage ntnu.edu/energytransition