NDP Weekly Mentorship Series Episode 11: The Power of the Morning Routine

Morning routines are a hot topic and have been well discussed, written about and practices by many people. Morning routines are a great way to implementing new habits, experimenting and gaining control over your day.  As Tim Ferriss says, "If you win the morning, you win the day"

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Giving a voice to clinicians world wide. The Noobie Dentist podcast offers in-depth clinical, mindset and motivations discussions with dentists from all over the world. Founded in 2017, the Noobie Dentist Podcast has been providing value to young dentists and dental students all over the world with listeners in over 190 countries. The aim of the podcast is to provide high yield and in-depth discussions with clinicians from all over the world providing listeners. Use the Noobie Dentist Podcast as your audio mentor to help you accelerate your dental career. Host: Omid Azami DDS www.noobiedentist.com