When will the public service cut backs end? Cicada-geddon is coming to the US, the changes that are keeping the Phoenix on top, the odds of coin tossing

Newsable - Ein Podcast von Stuff Audio

The cuts just keep coming as the public service tries to meet the government’s cost reduction targets. Who is next? Cicada-geddon is about to hit the US, with trillions of the insects set to emerge from the ground. What is the secret sauce that is keeping the Phoenix at the top of the A League and does flipping a coin really give you a 50/50 chance of winning? Me rapu rautaki tonu ngā ratonga tūmatanui e tapahi tahua ai, kia tutuki i ngā whainga a te kāwanatanga, engari ka tapahia tonu. Ko wai ināianei e poroa ana? Ka patu mai a 'kikihi-kino' ki Amerika, mā te whakaputa mai a te tini rawa o ngā ngārara rā mai i te whenua. He aha te kinaki huna e akiaki ana i te kapa a Phoenix kia tū tuatahi tonu ki te whakataetae A League?; Ina ka kauhuritia uka, ka toa koe i te haurua o te wā? Translated into Te Reo Māori using the power of Microsoft AI and Stuff's Kaiwhakamāori Joel Maxwell

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