"Second to last option" - financial hardship and opting out of KiwiSaver payments, missing in Miami cold case, why the government and Waitangi Tribunal are battling in the High Court, making time go f
Newsable - Ein Podcast von Stuff Audio
The cost of living is pushing some people to halt their KiwiSaver payments - is this a growing trend? The latest in a cold case of a Kiwi woman missing in Miami for 20 years, Crown lawyers and the Waitangi Tribunal are battling it out in the High Court in what's been described as an all out legal spectacle. Plus, how to make your slow afternoon go faster. Kei te pā taumaha mai te utu noho i ētahi tāngata kia whakatārewa rātou i tā rātou utu Kiwisaver - he ia tipu tēnei? Ko ngā rongo kōrero hou mō te kēhi mātao o tētahi wahine nō Aotearoa e ngaro ana ki Miami mo te rua ngahurutau; e kākari ana ngā rōia Karauna me Te Rōpu Whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi i te Kōti Matua i tētahi pakanga ture nui i mua i te marea. Me pēhea hoki e tere ake ai tō ahiahi pōturi. Translated into Te Reo Māori using the power of Microsoft AI and Stuff's Kaiwhakamāori Joel Maxwell