How Finland plans to become a key player in the Metaverse

Finland is a relatively small country, but it has ambitious goals when it comes to the metaverse: Finland was the first country in Europe to develop its own metaverse strategy, and all players in the strong local ecosystem have worked on it. By 2035, Finland wants to become a global metaverse pioneer and help shape a metaverse that is better than leaving things to the big tech companies alone. Santeri Saarinen from the Helsinki XR Center was one of the organizers and architects of the strategy and provides insights into the Finnish plans and ideas in this episode.

Om Podcasten

New Realities ist ein Podcast von 1E9 und dem XR HUB Bavaria, in dem wir neue Realitäten vorstellen – also Projekte, Ideen, Konzepte und Produkte in Virtual, Augmented und Mixed Reality. Oder kurz gesagt: in Extended Reality.