NCF-337 Entering a New Year and New Phase for Cybersecurity

Happy New Year, everybody, and welcome back to New Cyber Frontier! To start 2024, we have an eight-episode series with Tim Montgomery and Dr. Gorog, Ph.D. CISSP is unveiling a new philosophy for Cybersecurity. Dr. Gorog elaborates with our host how working on the recently released work for the last seven years has progressed to a potential game changer. This first episode provides a kick-off point where the conversation focuses on the current state of the cybersecurity industry as we enter this new year. Dr. Gorog says we are still primarily working toward satisfying compliance, with most new approaches focused on data analysis and AI. (Gorog.) Billions of dollars have been spent on compliance and keeping up with the minimum standards to protect the massive data pool. In the last couple of years, digital transformations have been accelerating. Organizations and employees are spending less of their overall effort working toward physical world objects. In fact, many of us have not done anything that has resulted in physical products or outputs for many years. The conversations prelude to what later episodes will cover. Can we transfer everything to digital? Then, what does the world look like in the post-digital transformation? Bringing the philosophical dilemma of "When everything becomes chunks of data, our wealth becomes data." How Does AI affect your data? AI is expanding operations, taking GB's worth of information from your email and devices—this information AI steals is thrown back into the data pool. In the future, how will we be able to tell what disinformation AI is starting to produce? Tune in to this episode of New Cyber Frontier. Join us to listen; you will not want to miss this series opener.

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Welcome to the New Cyber Frontier, Bringing you the latest news on the Cyber Security and initiatives that focus on development of the Cyber Security economics. Hear about developments which impact and affect both the local Colorado efforts and the entire virtual world. You don’t have to be a computer or cyber security expert to get plugged in, Our New Cyber Frontier host Chris Gorog bring it straightforward, asks the tough questions, and brings the cyber world to a level of understand for everyone.