Panthea Lee: the joyous, bright, loving history that is ours to forge

Panthea’s work bridges perspectives, disciplines and divides. Without looking at the past and without healing from it, she believes we can never truly move forward.  So, as a strategist, organizer and facilitator, Panthea helps people explore what type of solidarity can heal, nourish and liberate us and keep us  alive to one another’s beauty and humanity as well as each other’s suffering. She asks how we can begin to dream again  and dream bigger from a place of curiosity and expansiveness and abundance and joy and delicious, juicy, open imagination. Made by Jo Barratt. Conceived by Jo Barratt and Gemma Mortensen, with Iris Andrews and Lily Piachaud. Music made for New Constellations by Art School Girlfriend. Discover more at, and join us on Instagram and Twitter @newconstells

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For millennia, across cultures and continents, we have looked to the stars to navigate when we are lost. In this era of transformation, in which everything is in flux, we are locked onto old stars that are pulling us in a perilous direction. We need to discover new possibilities, and reset our course. New Constellations exists to help people imagine and create better, more beautiful futures; futures in which humanity and the planet flourish together. We invite you to meet and journey with some of the many pioneering people and communities whose thinking, work and practice shines light on the way ahead. Join us and learn more at