विश्वेश्वरप्रसाद कोइराला आत्मवृत्तान्त || B P KOIRALA'S ATMABRITTANTA || Khagendra Nepali
Nepali Books Audible - Ein Podcast von AUDIBLE NEPAL

Writer, thinker, statesman and humanitarian, B.P. Koirala was a Nepali to be proud of. He fought for Indian independence and then turned homeward to fight the Rana regime. As the towering figure of the post-Rana era, he gave momentum to Nepal’s entry into modern times. His many years of imprisonment (in British India and, later, in a Nepal ruled by the king) and exile gave BP’s career the poignancy of unfulfilled expectations. Even as he has been elevated to the status of political icon, BP’s life and aspirations are little understood. Here, at last, in his own words, is what BP had to say–spoken with clarity and conviction into a microphone in his dying days.