In this conversation, Antonia Hylton discusses her book 'Madness: Race and Insanity in a Jim Crow Asylum' and the history of Crownsville, a mental facility for black patients during the Jim Crow era. The conversation covers the background of Antonia's interest in journalism and mental health, the discovery of Crownsville, the construction and operation of the facility, the treatment of patients, and the broader implications of Crownsville as a microcosm of American history. The conversation emphasizes the importance of understanding and sharing our history to address the challenges of mental health in present-day America. Connect:@CariChampion @AHylton26 Learn More: Order MADNESS the BookSee for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

In a world where being vulnerable is often considered weak, it would be refreshing to hear an authentic and honest story from some of our heroes. Cari Champion will ask some of the greatest in sports and entertainment to remove the veil and get Naked. Being Naked on this podcast means describing life-altering circumstances and events that helped shape who you plan to become. There is a difference between what the public sees and what is real. There is a difference between the champion you see on and off the court. Your favorite celebrity isn't always ready to perform at will. Naked with Cari Champion invites your hero to tell their whole story.