Till Death Do Us Pod - S4 Episode - Life, Lockdown & The Chinese New Year

Life in lockdown doesn’t have to be dreary, I have started planning some activities so that we have some things to look forward to in our house. It has seriously changed how I feel about everything so be sure to listen to the full episode to hear what I have planned. We have also been learning about Chinese New Year in homeschooling, well, when I say ‘we’, I mean ‘Mike’. It is quite interesting so we decided to talk to an expert to find out more;  we chatted to Karen Wang from the Confucius Institute and it was all quite enlightening.

Om Podcasten

Writer and Content Creator Tova Leigh exploits her husband Mike and forces him into no hold barred conversations about love, marriage, parenting, social media and sex with the promise of actually cooking dinner once in a while. Till Death Do Us Pod is their unofficial 'date night' with the occasional interview and answering questions from the listeners.