42. How to use the Apostrophe

The correct use of punctuation is important to ensure that your written work is easy to understand and looks professional. ​Punctuation marks, such as the apostrophe, full stop, comma, and brackets, are used in writing to separate sentences and to clarify meaning. You may not even notice these marks in your writing, but the improper use of punctuation can confuse your readers and make your work look careless and disorganised. So in our Facebook Live session this week, I decided it would be great to talk about the apostrophe and when to use it with or without 's'. We also finished the session with a short quiz on using "it's" and "its". Listen to the audio replay here or watch the video on our blog: https://myenglishmatters.com/2021/09/15/how-to-use-the-apostrophe/

Om Podcasten

We're the Shurfa sisters from Malaysia—Azimah, Amnah and Aisya. After spending eight years in the U.K. as children, we know the importance of mastering a second language. We created My English Matters as a platform to help second language learners learn to speak, write and communicate in English with confidence! The My English Matters podcast is an extension of all that we do—it's a place for us to connect with you on a whole new level. You can learn with us while you're on your commute to work, washing the dishes or picking your kids up from school! So let's get started, shall we?