Keeping things simple with New Opening Studio

What happens when two separate businesses become one creative powerhouse? In this episode, Fiona chats with Ashley and Nick of New Opening Studio. They share their journey of merging individual skill sets, client bases, and personal lives to form their brand. They also provide insights into the challenges of distinguishing true skills and experience from the noise of social media. Tune in!

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(formerly My Daily Business Coach podcast). Do you love your business? You should, right? Well sometimes, as small business owners, we just don't. The My Daily Business podcast is here to provide inspiration, education and motivation for small business owners who want to fall in love with their business again and build a business they can be proud of. Hosted by Fiona Killackey, author, speaker, business coach and founder of My Daily Business, this podcast includes business coaching, interviews with small business owners and tips, tools and tactics to help you scale your small business without scaling the stress. Grab freebies to help you grow your business at Join the My Daily Business Good Business Group on Facebook to connect with hundreds of small business owners who want to sidestep the hustle and build businesses they're proud of. Connect with Fiona at