MBMBaM 702: Accountability For Crazy Puffs

In anticipation of the Oscars, we’ve created a cool bot to predict the results, measure tall-people energy, and help bake cookies without burning them. Only the bot might be fixated on the clothed state of one wrestler in particular. Suggested talking points: None Shorts on John Cena, WDZENTD (what does Zac Efron need to do), 450 Degree Rock in the Oven, I'm Not a Stabby Person, Toasty Cubes of Bread, Louisiana is the Boot of the Elf Man Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness: https://www.ffbww.org/

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Free advice from three of the world's most qualified, most related experts: Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy. For one-half to three-quarters of an hour every Monday, we tell people how to live their lives, because we're obviously doing such a great job of it so far.