Alien Race Archon Is Not What You Think - Alien & UFO Ancient Mystery - Coast To Coast AM Official
Multiverse 5D @ M5D - Ein Podcast von Luciano Dias Yassuda @ Multiverse 5D

Alien Race Archon Is Not What You Think - Alien & UFO Ancient Mystery - Coast To Coast AM Official Eng: Alien & UFO Ancient Mystery - Exploring the mysterious alien race known as the Archons, ancient texts describe these beings as cosmic entities influencing Earth and attempting to exert control over human souls. John Lash and David Icke dive into how these forces and the illusion of reality impact humanity's perception, urging us to uncover the truths beyond ordinary awareness. Pt: Alien & UFO Ancient Mystery - Explorando a misteriosa raça alienígena conhecida como Archons, textos antigos descrevem esses seres como entidades cósmicas influenciando a Terra e tentando exercer controle sobre as almas humanas. John Lash e David Icke mergulham em como essas forças e a ilusão da realidade impactam a percepção da humanidade, nos incitando a descobrir as verdades além da consciência comum. 👍 LIKE if you enjoyed this video! 🔄 SHARE with your friends and spread the knowledge! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for more amazing content! 👉 Hit the BELL Icon on our HOME Page to stay updated with our latest releases!