45. Maria Ahlin - The consequences of porn

Perspektiv - för en mer hälsosam relation till dig själv och andra - Ein Podcast von Madeleine Mofjärd - Dienstags


What are the consequences of porn? In this weeks episode I connect with wonderful Maria Ahlin who is the founder of Changing Attitudes that exists to eliminate all attitudes leading to sex-buying. Marias Ted Talk ”Lets talk porn” has been watched almost 4 million times which shows us the importance of shining the light at this conversation. This episode is all about the health consequences of porn. We talk about: The correlation between porn and sex-buying How our brains are effected by porn consumption Healing an addiction to porn How to talk to kids about porn SUPPORT my mission of changing the world for the better, become a monthly contributor at www.patreon.com/mofjrdtalks JOIN COMMUNITY: facebook.com/groups/mofjrdtalkscommunity CONNECT WITH MARIA AHLIN: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ahlinmaria CONNECT WITH MADELEINE MOFJRD: Instagram: instagram.com/mofjrd Website: mofjrd.se Collaboration & request: [email protected] MY INTENTION: To empower YOU to be more of YOU

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