Episode 96: Is There Too Much Pressure on Kids to Know Their Career Paths?

Asalamu Alaykum everyone!  We're back with a brand new episode of Missheard! This week, Hafsah and Zara are diving deep into the topic of whether there is too much pressure on young people to know their career paths. In a world where people's milestones are heavily documented, are kids feeling this added pressure to know exactly which path to take professionally? We'd love to hear your thoughts!  This is episode 96 – enjoy!  The Misshead Team

Om Podcasten

This is 2 regular Muslim girls talking life, deen and everything in between. Here at MissHeard, we understand that women often fade into the background. Our voices are a little more quieter than the rest. Our job is to help amplify these voices. Bringing relevant and beneficial topics to the surface for Muslim women alongside the most amazing guests.