Lessons from a homeless man on projections, judgments, simplicity & success 🍃👨

This week on the podcast Bre has her storyteller hat on and wants to share some insights inspired by a homeless man living in the park near her home. On a recent walk, she engaged in a conversation with the man and asked if he needed anything – blankets, pillows, food etc and not only was his answer was really surprising, it made Bre stop and think.Tune in to hear her chat about:⭐ Being jealous of the homeless man⭐ A longing for simplicity⭐ A reminder to check in on your desire for ‘all of the things’⭐ Where are your projections skewing your view of thingsTune in to the whole episode for a reframe on success that will get your brain really ticking 🧠LUL is currently open and if you didn't hear Bre's update earlier in the week it is the VERY LAST TIME she will be running it live. For details on how to jump into this round, click HERE.

Om Podcasten

 Welcome to The Mind School.  The classroom for your mind and soul; where we design our life from the inside out. Here, you will find a human first approach to life, business and relationships to create freedom, growth and constant evolution through mindset, emotional intelligence, leadership and connection to Self.  I'm your host Breanna May - Educator, CEO, Mindset and business mentor and my mission is to teach the things we never taught at school so that no dream is left on the pillow and no purpose left unfulfilled. Here you can expect a lot of laughs and thought provoking conversations as we squeeze every drop of juice from this beautiful, precious, crazy thing called life.