🗓️ Exactly how I plan for 2024 🌟

This week on the podcast Bre is sharing exactly how she reflects on the year that has been and plans for the year ahead. Tune in to hear her chat about:🗓️ The importance of recognizing repeating patterns and whether they serve you🗓️ Do not set intentions without first looking for the lessons🗓️ You don’t have to make MASSIVE changes heading into the new year🗓️ Identify your season before setting any intentions / goals This is a perfect episode if you, like many, are looking to the year ahead and need some pointers on how to successfully set yourself up for success.Bre is hosting a Level up your 2024 Masterclass on December 28th to take you through her exact process for reflecting and goal setting at the end of the year. You will receive the document and journal prompts Bre uses so you can complete them ahead of the session and then work through them in real time. You can purchase HERE. We have one more episode for the year, fam! It’s been a ride. See you next week before a short break.

Om Podcasten

 Welcome to The Mind School.  The classroom for your mind and soul; where we design our life from the inside out. Here, you will find a human first approach to life, business and relationships to create freedom, growth and constant evolution through mindset, emotional intelligence, leadership and connection to Self.  I'm your host Breanna May - Educator, CEO, Mindset and business mentor and my mission is to teach the things we never taught at school so that no dream is left on the pillow and no purpose left unfulfilled. Here you can expect a lot of laughs and thought provoking conversations as we squeeze every drop of juice from this beautiful, precious, crazy thing called life.