This seems a bit extreme. When they raised our retirement age I don't think most people even commented on it (preview)

Minion Death Cult - Ein Podcast von Alexander Edward


This week: a Vietnam veteran is tormented by modern McDonald's; the beta males at the Museum of British History go WOKE by sometimes using the phrase “mummified remains” instead of Mummy; And Americans across the political spectrum cheer the massive direct labor actions by unions in France (cutting power to the homes of billionaires and giving free electricity to preschools), BUT one South African billionaire is here to keep everyone grounded. ------------------------- Support the show for $5/month and get a weekly bonus episode of Minion Death Cult as well as our brand new weekly live show: DEATH CHAT 500 (also available in podcast form). That's TWO bonus episodes a week. Also get access to our entire back catalogue including BUTT FEST 2000 with Bryan Quinby; live-reads of My Antifa Lover, Rodham, and Ladies First: A MAGA Hat Romance; movie episodes like Believe, To Die For, and Loqueesha; and hundreds more. Sign up at

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