Ep 288, Pt 2: Creating Real Connections with IG Followers with Mandi Gubler from Happy Happy Houseplant

Welcome to the first week of my Instagram success story series, where I am interviewing people who are finding success on Instagram. The whole goal of this series is to show you the different ways you can create growth on the Gram. These are interviews from real people, real businesses, and they don't hold anything back.  In this second half of the episode, Mandi from Happy Happy Houseplant is diving deep into the specific Instagram strategies she uses to grow her product based business at Happy Happy Houseplant. It's all about real connection with your followers! She shares the real and she shares the raw and a couple of swear words. So get ready! This episode is so good, it went extra long, so I split it up into two episodes. Make sure to download part one as well, where we explore Mandi's business transformation. Enter Mandi's jungle on Instagram @HappyHappyHouseplant !  Check out her viral Instagram Reel and peruse the rest to learn a thing or twelve! We would love to help you grow your business! Click HERE to apply to work with our experts, just like Mandi did! Join Insta Social Society this February to get your first month for $1! Experience how easy IG content creation can be with monthly trending audio, content planning outlines, Canva templates, master classes with me, and more! Check out my Instagram @iammichellegifford and join February’s REEL Love Challenge that will get you posting to IG the easy way, DAILY! Join Grow the Gram: the 8 week Michelle-guided course designed to grow your Instagram following and your profits in less time!  Sign up for my weekly trending audio emails HERE.  I would love a rating and review below so others can find me and get help with Instagram, too!

Om Podcasten

The Social Strategist is your marketing podcast to keep you up to date with all of the changes, trends, and best marketing strategy for social media. If you are using Instagram, blogging, TikTok, email marketing, Pinterest, or other social platforms, then this is the podcast for you.