Radially restricted linear energy transfer for high-energy protons: A new analytical approach

Radially restricted linear energy transfer (LET) is a basic physical parameter relevant to radiation biology and radiation protection. In this report a convenient method is presented for the analytical computation of this quantity without the need for complicated simulation. The method uses the energy-re-stricted LETL, as recently redefined in a 1993 ICRU draft document and supplements it by a relatively simple term that represents the energy of fast rays lost within distancer from the track core. The method provides a better fit than other models and is valid over the entire range of radial distance from track center to the maximum radial distance traveled by the most energetic secondary electrons.L r computed by this approach differs only a few percent from the values Contribution to the international symposium on heavy ions research: space, radiation protection and therapy, 21–24 March 1994, Sophia-Antipolis, France

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