RIP RT America, The End of An Era

Abby and Robbie talk about latest in the war in Ukraine and the banning of Russia Today in Europe and the US. Abby gives an honest account of what it was like to work for RT and the legacy of her show Breaking the Set, which has been pulled off YouTube. Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode per month. FOLLOW // // // Fluorescent Grey - We Killed Kids on the Basketball Court [Featuring Barack Obama]

Om Podcasten

Since 2010, siblings and journalists Abby Martin and Robbie Martin have been doing Media Roots Radio, a political podcast with a critical eye on US foreign policy, political partisanship and what people can do to fight back. Conversational, controversial, passionate and explicit, Media Roots stands apart from the majority of podcasts coming from a similar point of view. Listen to all previous episodes on soundcloud, itunes, spotify and stitcher. All $5 and up patrons get an exclusive bonus episode every month!