The challenges of unplanned extubations in the NICU, Pt 2: How is the DOPE mnemonic used?

Do you know how the DOPE mnemonic is used in the NICU? In this episode of MedEd Learning Experience, Nikki Davidson describes how this approach can troubleshoot ventilation complications. You won’t want to miss the insight of this Master’s-level trained nurse who works at a Level 4 NICU in a dual-capacity role at the bedside and in quality assurance and process improvement.

Om Podcasten

The MedEd Learning Experience podcast is a weekly podcast series that provides brief, interview-style discussions with clinical experts and is designed to teach safe and effective use of different therapies in patient monitoring and respiratory interventions. The podcast will feature discussions on anesthesia and brain monitoring, unplanned extubation in the NICU, routine intubation with video laryngoscopy, challenges in the NICU, the value of NIRS in clinical practice in the NICU, non-invasive and invasive ventilation in the NICU, and more.