21: My husband confides in other women but argues with me...we need help communicating.
Marriage Counselor's Corner: Marriage Advice From a Real Marriage Counselor - Ein Podcast von Dr. David Taylor: Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Relationship Coach, Husband

Welcome to episode 21 of the Mastering Marriage Podcast. Today's question comes from a wife who is struggling to communicate effectively with her husband. She asks, "
I need advice and I don't know what to do. My husband and I have been married for a little over a year. Since we have been married he has found comfort in talking to other women. Mainly some of his ex girlfriends. I don't know what to do. When I ask him about it he lies to my face when I know the truth. We argue so much and it’s kind of irritated. We barely talk to each and when we it’s talking out of content. I feel as if we got married to early and he wants out. " Visit our site at www.mendourmarriage.com to submit your questions.