16: We have sex only 2 to 3 times a month and I have no desire, what can I do to solve this?
Marriage Counselor's Corner: Marriage Advice From a Real Marriage Counselor - Ein Podcast von Dr. David Taylor: Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Relationship Coach, Husband

Welcome to episode 16 of the Mastering Marriage Podcast. Today's question comes from a wife who has struggled with enjoying sex with her husband. She asks, "My husband and I have been married for 2 years now. We are a young couple. We dated for 4.5 years before we married. We dated for 4 years before we introduced sex into our relationship. After we started having sex I never really got into it. We thought that things would get better after we married. It has not. We have sex about 2-3 times a month. I just have no desire at all. I'm not sure what to do about this problem or how to solve it. Should I seek counseling? What can I do to keep my marriage from ending up in divorce from this problem? " Visit our site at www.mendourmarriage.com to submit your questions.