Sales Mistakes Most Founders Make – In Just 7 Minutes with Damian Thompson

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Why founders get stuck making sales The single greatest selling tool (and why you avoid it...) A common sales move that's probably killing your sales Resources/Links: Ready for some Knowledge Bombs? Just fill out the form on the right to learn the mistakes that keep most founders from having the success they work so hard for. Summary Damian is the Founder of Salesability where he helps turn small businesses into sales machines. Sales is the most important skill for an entrepreneur but the one they least want to learn. In this episode, Damian shares how he helps reluctant founders unleash their ability to sell. Check out these episode highlights: 01:55 – Damian's ideal client: I call them the reluctant salesperson. These are service providers, entrepreneurs, small business owners that were forced to sell because they started a business, but they aren't professional salespeople and don't believe that they want to be. 02:37 – Problem he helps solve: I help them create the systems and processes they need to win more business in less time. 03:28 – Typical symptoms people experience with that problem? They're just not winning enough business. 04:36 – Common mistakes they're going to make? They all believe they have a lead problem when they really have a sales problem 06:07 – Damian's Valuable Free Action(VFA): Have a very clear understanding of who you serve and how you serve them. 06:58 – Damian's Valuable Free Resource(VFR): 07:42 – Q:'Why does this matter?' A: I think it matters because, you know, again, the premise I've built this business on and I spent three decades in selling is that, sales is the most important skill for a business owner, but the one that is least likely to learn. And this is because of their misperceptions. The head trash we carry with us sometimes as founders that aren't sales pros, you know, and also falling that bad advice like follow up until you die. You know, if you want to enjoy selling more, or at least not hate it, there are some things you can do. Don't give up your power base, don't act like, act as an equal, right? As a pear, don't be a beggar, right? Learn how to believe in not just what you sell, but how you sell, right, to have better results. If you don't believe in what you sell, that's a product problem. And if you're the founder of the business, and you've got a product problem, well, you got a real problem, right? So that's generally not the issue. But most business owners and entrepreneurs I talked to about this. They're very passionate about their products and services. They're very passionate about the customers in their market, they're passionate about how they're going to help them and they really do think of them in a way of how can I help them have success. But they just haven't put the sale systems and process in place so they can win more deals. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Have a very clear understanding of who you serve and how you serve them.” -@DamianThompsonClick To Tweet Transcript (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) Tom Poland: 0:09 Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, beaming out to you from on the sand next to the waves at Little Castaways Beach, Queensland, Australia. Joined today by Damian Thompson. Damian, good day sir,