Masterminds: Everything You Need to Know – In Just 7 Minutes with Brad Hart

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Discover exactly what a Mastermind is, how they differ from a group coaching program, and what they mean for your future Learn how to start your own successful mastermind, without having to struggle using up all your personal time Find out how to have a profitable mastermind that facilitate a healthy, thriving mastermind community where everyone wins Resources/Links: Wanting to Creating a Business You Love while Freeing Your Time in The Process? Learn more about What Are Mastermind Groups, How to Create & Run One: Summary Are you spending most of your time solving other people’s problems but not getting enough income? Are you stuck in the income roller coaster? Do you want to be a mastermind in your own expertise? Do you want to know how to leverage your knowledge and build your own mastermind? Brad Hart helps people build mastermind groups to increase their income and impact exponentially. In this episode, Brad shares his ideas and concepts on how to be your own mastermind and how to get out of the income roller coaster. He also shares techniques on how you can scale up your business without using up all your personal time. Check out these episode highlights: 01:04 - Brad’s ideal client: “So my ideal clients are coaches, consultants, entrepreneurs, experts, authors, speakers and trainers, people who have the expertise or want to serve others with expertise, even if they're not the expert.” 01:25 - Problem Brad helps solve: “So we solve the problem of the income roller coaster, right, a lot of coaches and consultants they sell a lot of their time. They market and sell and then they have to deliver and then they're left at square one.” 02:25 - Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Brad: “So I would say anybody that is already in the services industry, they're either doing some sort of writing books or courses or you know, those are all great things. Coaching, consulting, they're all wonderful ways to serve people, but they don't necessarily scale as well as a mastermind.” 03:43 - Common mistakes that people make before they find Brad’s solution: “What I'm recognizing as I get older, I've been in this particular business six years and since the third business I've built in different industries, I'm realizing like, you know, the same mistakes play themselves out over and over again, you know. You want to limit the risk.” 04:49 - Brad’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “So as far as the process, we do every mastermind similarly, we build every foundation with the same thing. You can do this right away. You don't need to buy anything or do anything additional. It's ‘Who are you? What do you do in 30 seconds?’” 06:12 - Brad’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Brad’s Website: 07:11 - Q: What is my favorite black and white animal? A: It's a penguin. But I also have a whale over here. I got Snoopy up in the corner. I've got penguins. I've got polar bears. I got all kinds of things going on. Yes, polar bears are black and white. They have black skin, white fur. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “ Sell it before you build it so that you're not stuck six months later with something nobody wanted to buy in the first place. ” -Brad HartClick To Tweet Transcript (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)