How to Validate Your App Idea and Get to Market Faster and Cheaper – In Just 7 Minutes with Patrick Bentley

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Discover the biggest mistakes businesses make when building their app Learn the valuable free action you can take today to get closer to putting your app in the hands of users and get closer to making money Discover how to build a sustainable business around your application using Launchtrail system to answer the most important questions about how to serve your customers and make revenue Resources/Links: Checkout Patrick's Idea Validation Workbook: Learn 4 Steps You Can Take Today to get Closer to Revenue from Your App: Summary Patrick Bentley is a software developer and Founder of the Launchtrail system. He works with non-technical businesses to use tech to accelerate their business growth. In this episode, Patrick shares how he helps non-technical entrepreneurs validate their app ideas and get to market fast and get closer to making money. Check out these episode highlights: 01:00 – Patrick's ideal client: "My ideal client is largely going to be any entrepreneurs who are non-technical, who have app ideas. So that can be a solopreneur. It can also be an organization that's already in business and just looking to automate their processes or maybe create a new product." 01:42 – Problem Patrick helps solve: "So, the problem that we solve is that we actually help with everything before the application." 02:33 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Patrick: "So, the symptoms that people usually have are that they have no idea how to actually go about the app development, or they've already maybe tried to get their app developed and it hasn't turned out the way that they've expected it to. Or they just have no idea how to actually launch or solve any of the technical problems that come along with launching an application." 03:29 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Patrick's solution: "The common mistakes are usually having an app idea and then they say, "Okay, well, I'm going to go out and I'm going to shop for a software development firm," but they really don't have any idea how to deliver that product." 04:34 – Patrick's Valuable Free Action(VFA): "Just to start validating their ideas early as possible." 06:04 – Patrick's Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Checkout 4 Steps to Mapping your Business Structure: 06:26 – Q: How to build a 'no-code' viable app? A: No code solutions is that there's still a lot of programmatic thinking that goes into figuring out how the applications that work. So even if you're using no-code and you're using drag and drop, if you're not thinking about the data model, and what types of data need to be collected and how that data needs to be manipulated, and then even how you need to host it, those are still very technical leaning questions that need to be answered. And so even though there are drag and drop solutions, there's still a lot of thinking and forethought that needs to happen before you start building. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Start validating your app idea as early as possible.” -@PI_BentleyClick To Tweet Transcript (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) Tom Poland: 0:09 Hello everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Patrick Bentley. Patrick, good day, sir, welcome. Where are you hanging out?